About Terri McDougall

An objective and informed approach

Terri’s goal is to assist couples in getting through a difficult and emotional time, efficiently and productively, while bringing some sensibility and perspective to the process.

Terri helps her clients navigate through the financial uncertainty of a separation, allowing them to focus on their family’s needs and emotional wellness.

After many years of working in the Wealth Management industry in financial planning and consultant roles, Terri now focuses exclusively on clients facing separation and divorce, as well as those contemplating marriage.

With personal and lived experience, she brings an increased level of empathy and understanding to the separation process. Terri will provide an objective and informed approach to analyzing your financial situation and property settlement options. Terri reviews proposals to help clients evaluate the long-term implications and effect on their present and future well-being. Having a good understanding of your financial position will allow you to make informed decisions about the next chapter of your life.

Please feel free to contact Terri for a complimentary initial consultation to review your personal situation and find out more about her services. Video conferencing, telephone, and in-person services available.

Woman with financial chart

Why choose a Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS)?

In this increasingly complex world, a financial professional makes sense to assist in the divorce process. A CFDS provides a unique set of skills, providing a much more detailed and focused approach to addressing needs in a separation than a traditional financial advisor. Trained specifically in the financial fundamentals of divorce, a financial divorce consultant provides unbiased information and assistance and helps you reach a fiscally responsible settlement.

Separation and divorce involve legal, emotional, and financial issues, so hiring the right professional with the right expertise can save you both time and money. Whether you choose Collaboration or Mediation, Self-Representation, or a Negotiated Settlement, we can help.

Adding a financial professional makes sense when:

  • You are feeling overwhelmed with addressing your finances
  • You would like to get your financial affairs in order prior to initiating the legal process
  • Finances are complex or unorganized
  • Emotions are riding high and may force decision-making
  • One spouse is more financially savvy
  • You would like to simplify the process
  • You need to gain some peace of mind knowing you will be okay

A CFDS may be jointly retained with your partner to eliminate the need for two financial statements, simplify the disclosure collection, and allow you to share the cost at significant savings to legal fees. Ask about streamlined flat-fee collaborative services.

Financial Divorce Specialists do not provide legal advice therefore all clients are encouraged to seek independent legal advice. The services of a Financial Divorce Specialist are intended to compliment your team of professionals and provide you with the comfort and knowledge to make informed decisions.